Game Modes:Espionage:CNH

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The priceless jewel known as The Blue Egg has been located! It's in a hidden temple, and you've been tasked to secure it. Join either the Temple Raiders or The Syndicate and battle it out to claim rights to the artifact and become rich beyond your wildest dreams!

Overall Objective

A very old demo recorded to Youtube gives a very good example of how to play Capture 'n Hold.
Weapon/Item Notes
MP5/10 Submachinegun A great ambushing weapon, excellent for medium to longer-range defense, and a good escorting weapon for an assault.
M3 Super90 Assault Shotgun Doesn't shine outside of the Egg Chamber, but a fantastic option for perimeter defense once attackers start pouring in.
Handcannon Similar to the M3 Assault Shotgun, the wider open areas outside of the Temple don't lend well to the handcannon's range, but close quarters combat around the Egg itself has no peer.
SSG 3000 Sniper Rifle A uniquely-suited weapon for this scenario, its best use-case is outside of the Temple as long-range layered defense. They can't assault the chamber if they're dead long before they reach it! Offense-wise, unless you have an absolute ace on your team, it doesn't perform well on assaults inside of the Chamber.
M4 Assault Rifle An awesome choice for close-to-medium range combat, it kills quickly and effectively for both defenders and assaulters.
Combat Knives Given the nature of the Chamber, a experienced knifer can clear out the room in a matter of seconds.
Akimbo Pistols Not a great choice, but if someone is up for the challenge, why not?
Kevlar Vest This baby keeps you alive.
Laser Sight Throw this on an MP5 or M4 and watch the fragcount climb.
Stealth Slippers Are you the sneaky type who can drop in behind enemy lines and cause havoc? Pair this with an M3 Shotgun or Handcannon and gib your way to victory. Another benefit is that you can fall a bit further with slippers on and not take damage, and all leg damage that does happen does not cause you to limp (requires server cvar e_enhancedSlippers "1")
Silencer Pair this up with the SSG or MP5 for long-range quiet decimation.
Bandolier An extra magazine of ammo AND a grenade? Where do I sign up?
Kevlar Helmet This item does not exist in the Espionage version of AQ2. Plans are to merge or refactor ETE code to work in TNG, at which point this option becomes available.

Visual Aids

This is The Blue Egg. To capture the point, stand behind it for 2 seconds. The area to capture will be marked and a visual will appear on your screen when you're in the right spot. CNH 1.jpg
CNH 2.jpg CNH 3.jpg
There's three ways into this chamber, and other than some pillars and the egg itself, there's not much cover.
CNH 4.jpg CNH 5.jpg