How to

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Revision as of 15:00, 25 March 2022 by User (talk | contribs)
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Where/How do I get Action Quake?

The primary installation for Action Quake is located on our Github Releases:

Alternatively, there are other distributions:

Ok, downloaded! Now what?

Launch q2pro and browse the servers or the address book, or ask in the Discord chat if there's anyone playing and to join them. You can also view servers in your browser, who's playing, and so forth.

How to I change my key bindings and controls?

Go to the main menu (Escape key) and go to

  • Settings -> General Bindings


  • Settings -> Weapon Bindings

set them in there. If you'd prefer to edit a config file with a text editor, go to action/q2config.cfg and edit the file by hand.

No one's playing! What do?

You can also play against bots!

  1. Bring down the console with your tilde key (~)
  2. Start a map with `gamemap <mapname>` (like urbanjungle)
  3. Once it loads, you should have bots ready to go and blast away!

(note: I'm working on a q2menu that will do this rather than via console commands, once finalized I'll amend this FAQ)